Ballast Water Management Summit 2016
Updates on BWM
Updates on BWM
Ballast Water Management Summit 2016
Ballast Water Management Summit 2016
Updates on BWM
Updates on BWM
Ballast Water Management Summit 2016

Ballast Water Management

Ballast Water Management Summit 2016 is organised by Newsfront / Naftiliaki under the auspices of Greece’s Marine Technical Managers Association – MARTECMA.

With the Ballast Water Management Convention now upon us, this day-long summit will examine the state of play, and will be held on Thursday, June 9, 2016 at the Athens Metropolitan Expo within the framework of Posidonia 2016.

Under the title: Updates on BWM makers’ actions to gain type approvals the summit will conclude with an Argo Navis workshop on Retrofit engineering studies and installation planning.

We are confident this event, will, as are all the events we organise, be well received, primarily because of the high standard of the speakers and panelists, the topic on the programme and the inter-active participation of the attendees which always leads to lively discussion, indeed debate, on key issues provoking considerable thought. Some 380 delegates from 14 countries and representing 183 companies and organisations attended our last event in November, 2015.